Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Last Few Days in SD...

Such a great city!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

ATL Visit

Gosh. Time flew by so fast on my visit home. It was filled with cleaning, packing, throwing out, dinner with friends, time with family...as usual it was a great visit.

I got to eat delicious meals and laugh with some of my favorite people. I celebrated my brother's 30th birthday. It rained everyday but I didn't mind...amazing Summer afternoon storms. Got some great napping in. Spent time with the pup before I had to drop her off with my brother :( breaks my heart but I know she is in good hands.

Always bittersweet leaving Atlanta. In so many ways I loathe that place. The traffic alone makes me so angry. But it's home. It's comfortable. It's familiar.

Back to San Diego for 3 days and then it's Aloha bound! Still seems surreal that I am moving to Hawaii. Holy. Crap.

I feel ready. I'm still really excited. I can't wait to see my adorable house in person.

Lots to do in SD but looking forward to a beach day, dinner and drinks with friends and bidding farewell to an amazing city I have called home for 2 years.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Driving Cross Country

The drive is going by rather quickly...and that is a good thing! I was not looking forward to being in the car for 3 days...the pup doesn't exactly love it, it's hot outside and well it's a lot of boring scenery...but it has to get done and I keep reminding myself of the big picture: HAWAII!!

We are right outside the Dallas/Ft. Worth area tonight. Headed to Tuscaloosa, AL tomorrow and then a short drive from there to Atlanta on Monday morning.

A busy schedule for when I arrive in ATL but of course I always do that :)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

It's Been Rough Lately

It's been a a rough week or so for me in my personal life. I got back from my amazing trip with my brother to Utah on Sunday the 24th and found out later that evening that my Dad had passed away unexpectedly. He was 61...would have been 62 in September. He died in his sleep. We assume of a heart attack.

I have been an emotional roller coaster ever since finding out the news. In shock. In disbelief. In great sadness. It doesn't seem real some days that he is gone. It has been hard to get off the couch and get back to "normal" I flew home for the funeral and was there for 3 days. 3 busy, long, chaotic, stressful, emotional days. Thankfully I had so many friends and family members who were there to support me...listen to me, let me cry, let me bitch, and find times of laughter even in great times of sadness and sorrow. Losing your parent is unreal. It leaves you with such a hole and void. It truly is indescribable.

I am dealing with a lot right now...some days are better than others. Hopefully with time it gets a little easier.

My Mom lands in a few hours. We will hit the road tomorrow for the 3 day drive cross country to ATL. The move to Hawaii is less than 2 weeks away! Finally got some pictures of my house and I am absolutely loving the looks of it. My front porch looks like heaven on Earth.

Sunday, June 24, 2012


It's hard to believe in about 3 weeks I will be living in Hawaii. Just over a month ago it seemed like a long shot and not even on the realm of possibilities. Now...it is a fast approaching reality.

I'm excited. Really excited. I know I am given opportunities a lot of people aren't. I know I am blessed financially to experience a lot, see a lot, do a lot. I know I have the personality and independence to take a leap of faith like this...honestly...I don't think a lot of people do or would. Maybe that's why some people seem a little negative or not that excited about my move. But as with most negative people...I don't pay them too much attention :)

I'm excited of "checking out" or going off the map for a year. In other words...no traffic, no busy roads, no fast food restaurants or strip malls. A simple life. A laid back life. All of that is very appealing to me. But don't get me wrong...I will miss my weekly Target trips and hopefully Old Navy ships to Hawaii relatively inexpensively! Haha

Am I nervous? Well of course! Anyone would be I think. I'm nervous I will be lonely. It will be hard not having Roxie there especially and just not knowing anyone...not one single person. I'm nervous about getting back in the classroom and teaching subjects and grades I haven't taught before. It will be like the first day of teaching all over again. I'm nervous I won't fit in, won't bond with my coworkers. I'm worried I'll get homesick. It will be crazy to be half way around the world. The 6 hr time change alone from ATL will be interesting.

I'm bummed to miss out on events back in SD and ATL. Showers for my best friend's wedding, bachelorette party, birthday parties for friends' kids, seeing my cousin's baby often, and just the mundane things that happen in life. But what I have learned in the past 2 years of living away is that you can't put off your life to please others or meet their expectations. I truly have no one to answer to. I don't mean that rudely but it's true. When I go to make a decision I put myself first these days...and I haven't always done that. Its still hard to miss out on things though...I'm slowly getting used to it.

However, despite all of those nerves I'm still looking forward to the experience...the adventure.

I'm a big believer in things working out how they are supposed to. I'm supposed to go to Hawaii...otherwise I wouldn't have gotten the job. It's that simple to me.

One day...years from now...pretty sure I will look back on my time in Hawaii and be glad I went...regardless of how long I end up staying there, how much I do or don't like it. I will learn something, I will grow, and knowing me...I'll be just fine.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Utah...Part 2

Tomorrow bright and early we leave Utah. Myself back to SD and my brother of course back to ATL. Our 3rd annual siblings trip was a success! Man...did we see and go ton! I think we calculated at dinner tonight that we drove 1700 miles this week!! And by we...I mean...my brother drove and I was along for the ride :) I hate driving, the roads were curvy, steep, the speed limit was 80mph in some parts and well I'm driving cross country in less than a week do I used all of those reasons as excuses of course. Haha

We went from Salt Lake City to Moab, Moab to Mexican Hat, then to Bryce Canyon, then to Zion National Park, and now back to SLC. We did a lot of hiking, some rafting, lots of scenic drives, picture taking, eating, drinking, listening to music ( Serius is the best...loved listening to old music from the 90's that brought back so many memories). But man...this was a trip NOT a vacation and there def is a difference. I'm exhausted. But no time to rest as the next few days are going to be busy and chaotic.

I suggest a visit to Utah because it is gorgeous and kinda forgotten about. Although we met several people from all over the country and world. So cool to see people enjoying nature and our National Parks. They really are amazing!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Gorgeous. There is no other way to describe it. It's also really hot here but with plenty of water and it being a "dry" heat it is tolerable. Cool hikes, drives, views etc. We have met some great people and the hiking trails always lead to friendly folks wanting to chat and say hello. I love that!

Tomorrow we white water raft down the Colorado River!