Monday, September 26, 2011

Babies, Babies, and More Babies!

As I sit here and reflect on turning 28 in less than 2 weeks I can't help but look at my life, my family, my friends, and what all is going on. be so close to 30 is INSANE! I want to make the most out of my late twenties...yikes...I am really in my late 20's aren't I?!?!? Funny how in a lot of ways I feel no different now than I did at 24 or 25 and in some ways...there is NO comparison whatsoever.

I found out today one of my oldest friends, Sydney, is having a baby girl in February!! I already knew she was pregnant obviously but they found out the sex of the baby today (also happens to be her hubby's 30th birthday). So exciting to see another friend take the leap into motherhood....crazy, crazy. It is a little weird since living across the country I haven't seen her preggars or heard much about the experience thus will be nice to head home in December and see her and catch up on her impending motherhood. Man...our lives could not be more different.

I also found out that my cousin, Jessica is also expecting! She is due in May (Cinco de Mayo) and it was a total surprise to her and our entire family. It will be so exciting to have a baby in the family again. Spring and Summer are going to be super busy with me flying home a good bit to celebrate babies and a wedding as well! Happy times all around....

And while things back home and with friends seem to be moving, shaking, and happening I find myself wondering did my life turn out so different than everyone else? I took a different path? Do I do things differently? Maybe will be interesting to see as the years go by how it all unfolds. Sometimes I feel so far off from those around me, so "behind" for a lack of a better word... and then at other times I am so excited my life looks nothing like kind of bums me out to not share in the same experiences as some of my friends but also makes me happy to know I am doing it a little different...afterall..that's what makes for an interesting world anyway. We are all on different paths...neither one is better than the other. And at the end..hopefully those paths meet again...

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