Sunday, November 6, 2011

In the Kitchen

It is funny to me some people hate to cook or bake. I grew up in the kitchen...with my Mom, with my Gran, and with my all time Great Grandmother "Mamaw Taylor". I have images and memories from just a tiny age of helping all of them make biscuits. Rolling the dough out, being covered in flour, and of course enjoying the final product. I was also my Mamaw's "go to" sous chef when the Vanilla Wafers needed to be applied to her infamous homemade Banana Pudding. our family cooking is a staple with all the women (and my Uncle who is an amazing cook/baker). It is where we bond, chat, laugh, visit etc. One of my favorite places on Earth is standing around the island in my Gran's kitchen.

It was another rainy and cold day here in San Diego and besides venturing to the dog park this morning I literally spent the day napping on and off with Roxie on the couch. Perfection for a Sunday as far as I am concerned. I decided I wanted to make biscuits. I haven't really done this before 100% from scratch. I used a Paula Deen recipe and they turned out delicious. No comparison to my Mamaws whose biscuits would almost fall apart in your mouth they were so delish...but I couldn't help but think of her today as I was cooking. She was the strongest, sweetest, most amazing female I have ever met and I miss her dearly. So lucky to have had so much time with her.

A quick 4 day work week and then Houston bound for a few days of Southern goodness and catching up with Jake. It is gonna be a blast!

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